Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our annual post

I considered waiting another week to make it a whole year since our last post. We are obviously not very good bloggers. Ironically, a lot has happened this last year. Both of our jobs have changed, we live in a different state and we are no longer newlyweds. Quite a lot of accomplishments. Here are a few of the changes we've made from 2009-2010:

*Brent graduated from ASU with his MBA (YEAH!!)

*Allison finished teaching her second year of fifth-grade

*Brent and Allison took a belated honeymoon to the east coast. We visited DC, Philadelphia, NYC, and Boston

*Brent applied at Edward Jones
*Brent got hired at Edward Jones!
*We packed up all our belongings and headed north to Seattle

*Brent started with Edward Jones
*Allison started subbing
*Brent and Allison had their 1 year anniversary!!!

See! I told you it was an exciting year! It's been great being close to Brent's sister, Tammy and family. We've also been able to head south to Portland to visit the Platt clan.

We love living in Washington, and look forward to our future here. Brent and I are part of an amazing ward. We were quickly put to work. Brent teaches the Sunday School class for the 17/18 year olds while I was called as the first counselor in Young Women. We are busy and happy.

We hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and are starting an amazing New Year. We will see how long it takes us to post again. :)


Brea said...

I didn't even know that you had a blog! how fun! now you need to just keep updating it! :) I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing good!

Kristy said...

You've inspired me! I need to start again! I just wish it was as fast as FB!

Abraham and Sara said...

Yay for a new post! You guys have had a HUGE year! Isn't it funny that the older you get the busier you get? Sometimes I wish that, even just for a day, life would slow down, but it doesn't and that's okay. I am sure when you post again in a year (ha ha), you will have had an even busier year. Love you!

Gordon and Katrina said...

Hey how are you guys? I love the post. It has been fun seeing you guys more often. How is Seattle? Keep up the blogging. We're not on facebook yet...

Amanda Palmer said...

so great to read about your life :c) I grew up in Bothell - such a beautiful area and close to the beach and the mountains. You should feel no guilt for not posting...just be proud of yourself that you did! My blog has seriously been neglected since facebook came along, so I'm always impressed with people who keep theirs up. Anyway - glad to hear you're doing well.