Sunday, January 31, 2010

We're taking a poll

If you haven't heard yet, Brent and I will be parents in September! But combining our genetics has brought up an interesting question: Who's hairline will the baby inherit? I (Allison) was born with a head of hair. Brent's hair came in around his second birthday. What do our friends and family think? The poll is officially open. :)


Tiff said...

I would have to say somewhere in the middle. That's safe ground, I think. :) Congrats by the way!

Shannon said...

He/she is going to be a red-head like his/her aunt Shannon! :) If it's a girl, hopefully she will have your hair. If it's a boy...let's still hope he has hair because baby hair is really soft.

Halls Family said...

Fo all of your sake, I hope he/she has hair and lots of it! Whatever the hairline, you are going to have a very beautiful baby!

Abraham and Sara said...

considering most of us in the platt family have had babies with oodles of hair, i am guessing that baby lacey will be born with a good amount. asher had a ton of hair but it all fell out in the first month. regardless the status of baby lacey's hair, i am sure that he/she will just be darling. i am anxiously waiting for you to find out the needs to be done :)

Anonymous said...

In this Platt family our babies never have hopefully your's will be different!

Love you prima!